Subhadra Yojana Grievance Form Fill Up - Online Subhadra Yojana Complaint - News Lens Odisha

Subhadra Yojana Grievance Form Fill Up - Online Subhadra Yojana Complaint

  Online Subhadra Yojana Complaint

There is good news for those who have not received money in the Subhadra Yojana. You can now complain by visiting Subhadra Yojana Official Website. By this December you will get the benefit. How to Complain Send to the end.

How to Subhadra Yojana Grievance Fill Up  ?

To fill up a grievance for the Subhadra Yojana, you can follow these steps:
  1. Step 1: Visit the Official Website*: Head over to the e-District Odisha portal, which is the official website for various government services, including the Subhadra Yojana ¹.
  2. Step 2: Register Your Grievance*: Look for the "Register Your Grievance" section and fill out the form with your details and concerns.
  3. Step 3: Provide Required Documents*: Attach any necessary documents supporting your grievance.
  4. Step 4: Submit and Track*: Once submitted, note down your grievance number to track the status of your complaint.

✔️Subhadra Yojana Complaint – CLICK HERE

✔️Subhadra Yojana Rejected List Download - Click Here 

✔️ Subhadra Yojana New Rejister - Click Here